
Request for proposal for Establishment of Center for Advanced Research in molecular, Genetic and Allied Facilities, at Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU) Larkana 03-06-2021
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Central / Digital Library 05-05-2021
Notice Inviting Tender for Designing, Printing & Supply of Annual Report 2020-21 30-03-2021
Notice Inviting Tender for M&R Works at SMBBMU 05-03-2021
Provisional List of Candidates who have Applied for Admission to DPT/PHARM-D Courses for Session 2020-21 03-03-2021
Notice Inviting Tender for M&R work of BADC and Repair & Renovation of (OLD CPSP) building 11-02-2021
Notice Inviting Tender for Pre-Qualification of contractors for construction of central / digital library 10-02-2021
Notice for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Professional MBBS 03-11-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for Renovation and Rehabilitation of IPRS and Reconstruction of Damaged Boundary wall at GMMMC 17-10-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for Misc Items , Stationary, Office & Teaching Equipment, Fixture & Furniture and Networking/Computerization of SMBB Medical University Larkana 18-09-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for Provide & Supply of equipment for the Institute of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences 31-08-2020
Request for proposal for consultancy services for preparation of drawings designs estimate & BOQs for project titled Construction Central/Digital Library CMC at SMBB Medical University Larkana 28-08-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for ADP Scheme titled Renovation & Rehabilitation of Chandka Medical College and Construction of Noori Girls Hostel of SMBB Medical University Larkana 21-05-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for ADP Scheme titled Renovation & Rehabilitation of Chandka Medical College and Construction of Noori Girls Hostel of SMBB Medical University Larkana 20-03-2020
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Boys Hostel at SMBB Medical University, Larkana 23-09-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services and Misc. Items 03-09-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for different construction works @SMBBMU 17-07-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for Provide & Supply of Stationary, Petty Articles and Miscellaneous Items 01-04-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Boys Hostel at SMBBMU, Larkana. 01-04-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for Provide and Supply of Office Furniture & Miscellaneous Items 20-01-2019
Notice Inviting Tender for Printing and Supply of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus 2018-19 29-11-2018
Notice Inviting Tender for petty articles , stationary items and electric materials 10-09-2018

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